Finally the snow is behind us... hopefully. We can take a little rain when it's 50 degrees! Pat, Bren, Ralph and Frank traveled to TWP to meet with Amy and Kay (our newest member). We caught up on what we hadn't discussed during the meetings we missed because of one snow storm after another in January and February. With the "business" part of the meeting behind us we went straight to poetry!
Our first reader, Kay, delighted us with a poem about music, a poem about hurt, and finally a poem describing the sunset like none we have heard before. You'll be able to read them in the 2010 anthology as she will be submitting for inclusion in our book. Bren read about her favorite subject, motherhood and shared Beth Ann Fennelly's work. Pat compared the waving grass to the ballet and shared Carter Revard with the group. Frank read a poet from the Bowery scene in NYC, each short and to the point! Amy read a sonnet she had written as well as read from a book of poetic forms. Ralph, our supporter of poetry, was a great listener and gave great feedback. Overall, it was a good evening.
We are looking forward to April and National Poetry Month. Amy will be looking into a few of the points discussed in tonight's meeting and will share findings with the group at a later posting.