Wednesday, March 16, 2016

It is already Mid-March and I hope that everyone is eager for our 10th anniversary anthology release. April is National Poetry Month and we hope to have quite a few events slated to celebrate our writing genre. That information and a full report on our first meeting will be coming later this week.
Please join us
Sunday, April 10, 2016
2-4 pm for 
National Poetry Month Celebration
Release Party for KCMetroVerse Volume 10!
We’ll gather at
7819 NW Dalton Court
K.C.MO 64151
call 529-7669 if needed for directions.
RSVP will be very helpful and much appreciated.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

March, a time for four leaf clovers, meetings, St. Patty's Day and a March challenge!

March is here! How did the February challenge go? Feel free to post your poem, or work that you would like to share.
This month let us go traditional with the Limerick challenge--express yourself, challenge your witty side. Limericks can be funny, a bit cheeky even. Have you written a limerick before? Remember, delving into new poetic form allows us to work on our word choices and stretch beyond our comfort zone. While we may be most comfy in the realm of free verse--what treasures may evolve from attempting the different forms that have continued through the ages.
Spring, Spring, what does it bring? News about our first meeting and our the excitement is building for our launch party for out 10th Anniversary Anthology. 10 Years of KC Metropolitan Verse. Let's make this a party to remember!
" kcmetroverse meets for the first time in 2016! second Sunday 2-4pm at Pat's house. Our meeting will be read, write, read!  bring poetry from your fav or just a poet you wish to share with the group. We'll discuss, maybe  a prompt will stimulate our creativity, and the pencil/pen will take over from there. There is always a true pearl resulting from the process."

Please get your orders for copies of the anthology to
pre-ordering allows us to get funds for the reading and also, the scholarship we support each year.
Get enough for friends and family and don't forget to mention it on your Facebook pages.

April is National Poetry Month!  Our April meeting  (second Sunday- 2-4pm) hosts the release party. each one bring one is the chant!  anyone interested in poetry, new to poetry, just willing to come along with you for the party and stay for the poetry...  it's all about the poetry!" Please invite them to the reading, have them like our Facebook and have them join Facebook and our blog. The more voices the more we learn and grow as a chapter.
Don't forget to explore the March challenge. If you have any comments or ideas please email me at
Let us continue to grow and thrive and share our words with others.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February is waning have you worked on your concrete poem yet? A poem of structure and form? February is a month of humans looking for a rodent's shadow, cupids shooting hearts with love tipped arrows, remembering the great Presidents of our country and most importantly the celebration of the rich culture of African Americans. Here is a poem that celebrates the African American culture and, you guessed it, it is a concrete poem.
By Trishula Patel

Let us delve into our words for the remainder of February. Don't forget to invite people to the blog and also, our Facebook Page. Brenda and Ralph are tirelessly working on the cover for our 10th Anniversary edition. So,don't forget to submit your poems. Also, post your concrete poems here by month end and let me know if what else you would like to see on the blog.

Pen to paper writer friends!

Update 3/18/2016 Form Poem Submissions:
Ralph Acosta

Not So Square Poem


I set out to write

A poem in a square

But no change of words

Could keep it from becoming

The trapezoid it was meant to be.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Welcome to 2016 and our 10th year as Kansas City Metropolitan Verse

The blog is, once again, active and I look forward to happenings with our poets.
Thank you to all that have given their blood, sweat and tears to hold us together, as a group.

Submissions for Anthology#10

We have submissions deadline for end of February or first of March (at the latest).
As one who is guilty of late submissions every year; my goal is to submit before I am prodded.
Our 10th edition anthology will be amazing! Brenda and Ralph are the dynamic duo of compilation and we can't thank them enough.

Winter Words February:

February should keep us snowed in a bit (hopefully)and our goal is to have numerous submissions for our 10th edition.

Each month I will challenge the group to a different form of poetry.
Keep them to share for when we get together, or submit them to me at and I will post them here.

February Challenge: Concrete poetry --is a type of poetry that uses some sort of visual presentation to enhance the effect of the poem on the reader. The visual layout of the poem need not necessarily form a picture, although many concrete poems do.

So, let's get creative and make something visually stunning!

Please let me know what you would like to see on our blog and what you would love the community to know.
Also, share any ideas that you might have to keep us active and most importantly, writing.

Let's summon our muses and put quill and ink to papyrus pen to paper.

Enjoy the quiet of our snowy days, let your muses guide you and see you all in Spring!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The blog is back in service- again- with scheduled updates to be provided by Sheila. Thanks!