Monday, November 9, 2009

Second Thursday

Second Thursday is almost here and have we got poetry! yours, mine, ours, and that of poets that make a living at it. Looking forward to seeing everyone at 6:30 at the lake.

KCPT is running a series of celebrity interviews recorded over this past summer. Thursday night the viewing public will have a chance to meet Langston Hughes. The show will be on at 8:30 (right after poetry) so if anyone wants to stick around and watch you're welcome.

Friday, November 6, 2009


The Missouri State Poetry Society Anthology, Grist 2009, arrived in mailboxes around the state today.  Four KCMetroVerse poets had their work published within its pages.  Smaller than past issues, but filled with very fine work, this publication is a great way to get your work out to the reader.