Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February is waning have you worked on your concrete poem yet? A poem of structure and form? February is a month of humans looking for a rodent's shadow, cupids shooting hearts with love tipped arrows, remembering the great Presidents of our country and most importantly the celebration of the rich culture of African Americans. Here is a poem that celebrates the African American culture and, you guessed it, it is a concrete poem.
By Trishula Patel

Let us delve into our words for the remainder of February. Don't forget to invite people to the blog and also, our Facebook Page. Brenda and Ralph are tirelessly working on the cover for our 10th Anniversary edition. So,don't forget to submit your poems. Also, post your concrete poems here by month end and let me know if what else you would like to see on the blog.

Pen to paper writer friends!

Update 3/18/2016 Form Poem Submissions:
Ralph Acosta

Not So Square Poem


I set out to write

A poem in a square

But no change of words

Could keep it from becoming

The trapezoid it was meant to be.

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