Thursday, December 31, 2009

less than perfect post!

FIRST MEETING IS JANUARY 14 ... must have looked at an old calendar for the post and of course the knowledge to change (edit) old post has not been garnered as yet, so accept the bloggers sorry! and see you on the second thursday.

Another Year Has Passed

January 11, 2010 is our next meeting date....  see you at the lake.  Take a minute to mark the second Thursday of each month in your new calendar (or on your e-calendar with popup reminder!).  Many of you remember that cold snowy night six years ago when we huddled around a pile of poetry books on a coffee table in Missi's living room to establish Kansas City Metropoilitan Verse the Kansas City Chapter of the Missouri State Poetry Society.  Lofty vision (with a rather lengthy name) and a great idea.

We have a new VP, Amy Davis.  Thank you Amy for stepping up to the plate.  And thank you to Michael Wells for his years of dediction to the group and most of all to the art of poetry. Amy also has lots of ideas to share with the group.  She plans a book review section of the blog wherein she will review books of poetry listed in the KC Star, NY Book Review, and others.  This year we will also be taking submissions for original poems to be posted on the blog.With 13 active members submitting poetry there should be plenty of good reading!

And speaking of submissions! kcmetroverse anthology vol 4 will be out by National Poetry Month.  That means even more submissions...  It is also time to update your bio... Many of our member poets have grown in the poetry community.  Let's shout out about personal and professional growth.

While we mention growth, it's time to balance the chapter account by settling up for books out on credit. Any owed over 90 days should be collected soon.  A treasury report will be fanned out at the next meeting.

We look forward to another great year in poetry!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Looking forward to next year...

The table was full, the room was full, and our hearts were full of holiday cheer.  The 5th annual poets party was a good time had by all.  Thirteen members have recommitted to the group for 2010.  We had a terrific read around, members work and published. The diversity of works chosen never ceases to amaze this listener.Yeates to Dove to Rumi to poetic messages from the pages of a floral bound 2010 calendar, brought smiles, nods, and in some cases tears.  The books collected for Synergy Services will be delivered by Chapter President, Missi Rasmussen. Possibly the highlight of the evening was our successful levitation of a couple of our members as we banned together for the love of poetry (and each other).

Membership dues for the state society went into the mail today.  As the year fades to grey it is time to start flipping through your work for submissions to the 4th volume of our chapter anthology. More about that later.

We also need to refill the open position of VP.  All in favor of Amy Davis send Missi email confirmation

Monday, December 7, 2009

Holiday Gift Giving...

We have a few copies of the 2009 anthology if anyone needs a gift for a work friends or a school friends or maybe just a friend!  The price is $10 each (or 3 for $25).  Book sales has been a great funds raiser for our chapter treasurery.  I'll bring them to the holiday party this coming Saturday.  See you there!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Poets Christmas Party

We'll be replacing the December meeting with a PARTY!  See you December 12 (Saturday) 6pm at the home of Ralph and Kathy Acosta, formerly known as WriterHouse...  Read around, optional gift exchange, good food (bring something to share), guests welcome.

In addition, please bring a book, new or gently used, for readers of all ages to be donated to Synergy Services. Looking forward to seeing poets, friends of poets, writers past and present, old friends and meeting a few new ones, too.  See you at the party...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Second Thursday

Second Thursday is almost here and have we got poetry! yours, mine, ours, and that of poets that make a living at it. Looking forward to seeing everyone at 6:30 at the lake.

KCPT is running a series of celebrity interviews recorded over this past summer. Thursday night the viewing public will have a chance to meet Langston Hughes. The show will be on at 8:30 (right after poetry) so if anyone wants to stick around and watch you're welcome.

Friday, November 6, 2009


The Missouri State Poetry Society Anthology, Grist 2009, arrived in mailboxes around the state today.  Four KCMetroVerse poets had their work published within its pages.  Smaller than past issues, but filled with very fine work, this publication is a great way to get your work out to the reader.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

November! Where did this year go??? Can it be it’s time for year-end/2010 business?

Those of you that received (and read through) the Spare Mule know there are some changes in its delivery. The man responsible for getting it out to the reader, Don DePriest, has requested each member of the Missouri State Poetry Society (that’s us) send him an e-mail with the subject line SPARE MULE, and short explanation to add your address to the list, to  so he can organize the mailing list. CC that request to the President, Billy Adams, at  The entire list could be sent at once but that doubles his work and increases the margin for error. Please take a minute, click on the blue link, and do this.

Second, it is time to collect the annual State dues. The State Treasurer has requested this be sent in a lump sum from each chapter Treasurer. Annual dues for the state are $7. Bren will be collecting these dues and sending them. Please put this in your budget and bring it to the November (or December) meeting.

See you November 12 (second Thursday).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

where the heck is Manhattan Kansas

Mary and Brenda weathered the pouring rain and the 259.9 mile round trip drive to listen to Billy Collins last night.  There is definately a reason why the chosen few are appointed to the position of Poet Laureate.  He could be elected as stand-up comic-poet as well.  The auditorium seats filled as a sea of listners filed in.  By the time he reached the podium, the floor to the right and left of the stage was also occupied by crossed-legged college students. The next hour and a half was laughter and applause and occasional quiet contemplation.  So worth the trip.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pinsky at Rockhurst

Poet Robert Pinsky will be speaking at Rockhurst University tomorrow, 10/22.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 21st Road Trip

Poetry Reading: Billy Collins. Oct. 21, 2009 5:30 p.m., Ballroom, K-State Alumni Center. Collins was United States Poet Laureate from 2001 to 2003, and is one of the most celebrated and popular poets in the U.S. today. Sponsored by the Department of English.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Welcome to the new KC Metro Verse blog!

The purpose of this blog is to provide information about our chapter and it's ongoing events. We'll also be appointing a Featured Poet each month and sharing their work.

This chapter meets the second Thursday of each month at Lake Waukomis, MO (a beautiful little community north of the river) to read, write, and discuss poetry. If you're interested in attending, a contact email is in the "About Us" section to the right of this blog.